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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Start of Something New

The idea always came across my mind. "I'll begin taking photos tomorrow, right after lunch" or "I'm so excited to write about how crazy this day went", I tell myself over and over again. Everyone else was able to do it anyway, but why couldn't I ever bring myself to sit down and take some time to put a few words together? Was it because I was lazy? Or did I not have enough experience to do something as immense as this? No and no. The reason was because I simply had nothing to write about. But after last Sunday, I think I have it all figured out.

It has been my greatest dream to attend the Bloggers United event but every year, fate does not meet my wish. Reading the blogs of some of the most talented women around the Philippines never failed to put a smile on my face so you can only imagine the happiness meeting them brought me :) As soon as I entered the room, I knew I was where I belonged. I was drawn to the variety of booths put up with the obvious effort each owner put into them. The laughter and giggles of the eager readers as they got autographs of their favorite bloggers lit up my mood in an instant. Everyone was busy doing their own thing - selling, taking photos and making small talk - but altogether did it with so much passion. Bloggers United 8 stood as an opportunity for every individual. As for me, it made me realize that it was time to start my very own blog.

I could go on and on about how successful the day was but that would take far too much of your precious time. Instead, I will be giving a brief summary of what commenced that day through the pictures that captured my favorite moments.

Nicole Andersson has to be one of my favorite bloggers. I've met her once before this event and no matter how many achievements she has linked to her name, she remains down to earth and humble. Seeing her again was nothing less than a blessing!

Lissa Kahayon is incredibly stunning in person and I couldn't help but get a little something from her booth!

Dani Barretto is literally one of the best people ever. As you can see she loves hugs and so do I! I can't wait to bump into this beauty again soon :)

Patricia Prieto's smile is probably one of her most breath-taking features but every other thing about her is absolutely perfect. I would love to chat with her again in the near future!

It's Paul the PR guy! He was the only guy blogger I was able to meet but he had to be the most interesting person I met. He even gave me a free instax photo!

The Bloggers United 8 event was truly life-changing. I will be forever grateful to the people who organized it as it became the key to a new chapter in my life.


  1. I have the same problem you had and l'm still waiting for a life-changing event to happen as it did for you. You're the best! Keep going girl!

    1. Awww, thank you Shaghayegh! <3 I'm sure that it'll come at the right time :) Let me know when it does, kay? Mwaah!


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